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Saturday, June 23, 2007

It's all about the food...

OK - so I know that it seems I have a one track mind - that's its all food, all the time. If you are one of the many people who firmly believe this about me... I just want to say you are so right. :-)

So let's see where the food brigade takes me today shall we?

Breakfast was a Village Inn - I met Evan and John (well, picked them up actually) and we went to breakfast. Let's see... what did I have...

Coffee. Orange juice. Stack of whole wheat pancakes filled with banana slices and topped with strawberries and pecans. Bacon. Eggs. Oh, and hash browns. Yum. I was full.

On to lunch... I went to a deli I didn't know existed - which new places for food are always exciting! It's called 'Jason's Deli'. For their location on Google maps click here.

Dinner was an eat at home thing because, although its shocking, I actually did go grocery shopping today. I know, I know - total shocker.

Other than that... not much new. I turned 9700 miles on the car... always exciting. Oh, and I decided that I'm going to have to give up and make a summer shopping trip - these winter clothes are getting to warm considering its 110º + here.

Oh, I got a new pair of sunglasses the other day. They're Fox: The Meeting. For pic click here. They don't work so well with just t-shirt and jeans - but with nicer outfits they're perfect. They're my 'hide-from-the-paparazzi' glasses. :-D

OK, that's about it. I need to go consume some more calories...

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Friday So Soon?

Well I can't believe it but its Friday. My problem is I don't remember the week passing by. Needless to say, I've been really busy at work. But such is life!

I went and got my car washed today - seems like I have to do it every week in the summer - the dust is so bad. But that means its all shiny again - zoom zoom! :-)

Otherwise there wasn't much of interest today.... I had 'Swiss steak' for lunch -- which was a first. Wasn't bad I guess. Came with corn on the cob and butter and herb potatos. It was the special at the cafe at work. It would have been better if I didn't have to eat while on a conference call - but it was either have a lesuirely lunch or a dirty car over the weekend. Yup, the choice was obvious. ;-)

Breakfast was more interesting! I was running late (naw me?) and my first con call was at 8:30. So, since I woke up 10 minutes before I was supposed to leave for work there wasn't time for breakfast at home. And, since I was late - no time to make it to the cafe. However, someone was nice enough to bring me a plate of danishes! So I ate seven of those and managed to maintain conciousness until lunch. :-)

I was so tired when I got home that I crashed... and didn't wake up until a bit ago - it being after 1 a.m.. So that means I'm still out of food... and further behind on my side jobs - but I'm feeling slightly rested! ;-)

Its off to bed for me though - have to be up early tomorrow ~


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Beware the 'shrooms...

Before I delve into the story behind the title...

I'm not going to post a bunch of updates - just because I'm so busy I think its a never ending battle. I'll keep em short sweet and hopefully more regular.

So here's the funny story about 'shrooms...

I had to mail some stuff to Brad today (some hair product and a PCI wi-fi card) and so I ran to my apartment on lunch and grabbed the stuff and went to the Post Office. Would you believe that I barely had to wait in line and got the nicest most helpful postal employee on the planet? It was exciting! Anyways, back to the story...

I was in a hurry and I needed to get back to work so I decided to swing by the Chandler Fashion Center and go to Wildflower Bread Company for lunch. Well I was on the phone with Hilary and hadn't even looked at the menu when it was my turn so I just ordered what I saw first...

Which happened to be some type of grilled portabello concoction.


Don't get me wrong - I love portabello mushrooms... especially grilled... but this one came with a side of leather. Trying to talk on the phone and knaw through the 'shroom was quite the exercise! So here I'm talking to Hilary with the phone pinned to my ear -- sitting at this table that couldn't stay level if its existance depended on it -- mangling this sandwhich in front of all the chattering suburbanite women. Let's just say it wasn't my proudest moment.

Oh well - I'm going to go scrounge up some dinner. Later ~

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