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Friday, May 11, 2007

School & 'School Work'

So let's see if I can get two more categories up to speed.

Well, on the school front I'm happy to report that ... I'm done!!! I took the final for my Technology Trends class just this week and so I'm officially eligible for my Associates! Now, I just need to go file the paperwork to get it. I don't believe I'll have to pay the processing fees - I think they said they would be waived because they were already paid.

On the up side that means they should release the remaining scholarship funds I have in cash - so that will be nice. I need to purchase a new laptop this year in order to run the new Office software, etc. and if I'm going to start taking one class per semester online I'll definitely need new hardware.

Unfortunately, the score on my final examination was something like 90.6% which makes it my all-time lowest score on a final exam. That is so close to being a 'B' that it makes me nauseated. But that is what you get when you don't read the textbook. I did keep the book though - it has lots of information I want to read and I'm hoping to get the chance over the summer months.

'School Work'
You're probably wondering what on earth I mean by school work... isn't that what I was just talking about? Actually, what I mean by that is my work for the College District - not coursework.

Part I:
We had our year-end retreat for the Sustainability FPLC (said FIP-lik) today. It was a nice little event. We got a chance to mix with our fellow 'fiplikers' and I got to meet some of the new members coming on board both to our Sustainability one and some of the new FPLCs for this semester.

I managed to get my wiki page all finished (this morning at about 12:30am to be precise) and that did it for my final paperwork. There will be a kick-off event in August for the new FPLCs and those of us from this past year term are supposed to assist in presenting materials related to our projects and the like. And, I still haven't given up trying to get my company to help fund some of the FPLCs goals. A bit of corporate cash goes a long way - and they could 'green' up their image in the process.

Part II:
Well the newspaper is almost done. I'm hoping to actually get the pod casting thing finished - I'm still not sure it will all be possible due to the jerry-rigging that has taken place on the site, but I don't want my work in that arena to go to waste, so I'll do my best. The last issue was uploaded awhile ago - so no more 'current' stuff to do. However, there are some end-of-year changes that need to be made and one issue that I never got uploaded (it was during my extreme 'insanity' period). That gets to go directly to the archives, however. All in all I think I have about 15 hours worth of work left to do. Nothing insurmountable.

I'm going to try and get some of that done this weekend, but I'm not sure. I have the RBC Quick Draw all day on Sunday so most of my weekend chores (laundry, house-cleaning, etc) will all need to be done tomorrow. Oh well, ever onward.

I think that pretty much covers those two topics... I'll try to get updates on the car and my move in process and those odds and ends over the weekend. Then, just maybe, I'll be all caught up for the next week and can do short nightly updates (which is what I wanted to get done in the first place!)

Night all --

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Back at last?

Wow - the last post said 'a week or so'. With reliability like that I should be a politician. Anyways, let me attempt to cover the major bases and we'll move on from there. Clearly, I cannot update everyone with all of the details, but I'll try my best.

First, some major happenings... I moved from Mesa last month to my new apartment in Chandler. Brad came out and visited for his Spring Break. He was here from March 29th thru April 9th (I believe). I've officially finished my last college class for my degree, and this week and next should wrap up the majority, if not all, of the remaining work I had to do with the College District after I left. I'm really excited to finally have some 'free time' again. Not that it is free in the traditional sense, but that I can unpack, get caught up on paperwork, my reading, and perhaps get some sleep worked in there as well. I also need to focus some on my health, as I'm very worn down of late. OK, moving on categorically...

OK, so I'm officially in my apartment... that doesn't mean, however, that I'm un-packed. Far from it, unfortunately. Anyways, here are some details on the complex. I'm in the small one bedroom - c. 730 sq ft. - so it is bigger than my last apartment, and the balcony and storage is larger too. It's just about right. I would like a small den or larger bedroom so I have room for my full desk, but this is fine. I got new carpeting when I moved in, so I'm thrilled about that. I hate getting carpet that has been shampooed. It always has left over stuff in it and is all stiff. It is a lot quieter here than where I was in Mesa as well - neighborhood is still in good shape. It's about 10 years old or so I think (which is pretty old for the Phoenix area). However, they have kept it all up and don't seem to be cutting corners and letting the place slide. Some of the things I particularly like is the fact that there are 9 ft. ceilings (more important for us cursed tall people), ceramic tile floors in the entry/kitchen/bath, and wood cabinets. For pictures, floorplans, and other details on the place - click here. I'm in floorplan A1.

Brad's Visit
Brad was out here around the same time I moved. In fact, I feel bad for the poor guy because he had to help me move the first few days he was out. Then we had a chance to relax on Sunday - well my version. We went in streetwork at 6am, we had meeting at 9:30, then I went dancing at 6 - then we went to dinner at 9 up in Phoenix. (delux - great place - click here)

Unfortunately, one of my friends we were with in streetwork and at dinner was sick - and managed to give it to every single one of us. :-( Brad and I were sick by Monday night. After the Memorial we went to a dinner thing in Phoenix (about 10) and by the time we got home, I felt terrible. So, we spent the next three days in bed - so much for the poor kid's vacation.

On the up side, we did manage to get some fun stuff in. I took him to the Malls shopping and got him a bunch of new clothes (good thing too... we all know how much those North-Westerners have such a great appreciation for style *eyeroll*) We also went to see the BodyWorlds3 exhibit at the Science Center (Bodyworld's site here). And we got to go to Jillian's and use up some of those billion credits I have had forever. It's a great place - 65,000 square feet of food and fun. (Site here) It isn't all old people either - there is a massive arcade (where we were headed). Afterwards we went and ate at Islands' which is a great burger place. (Site here - location here) We also were able to do go-kart racing - which was a first for Brad. We went to the F1 Race Factory downtown (site here). That was fun - Brad did really really well! We didn't have a chance to do much else because all of that time we had been sick - but it was great to see him!

OK, so I will have to do a more comprehensive update on my car and school soon. I'm trying to get a bit caught up so that I can start doing little posts each day.

Talk later ~~

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