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Saturday, February 3, 2007

We have arrived!

Well, we are officially here for the Phoenix Suns vs. the Utah Jazz... we'll see how it goes...

Friday, February 2, 2007

Blue Nile for Lunch...

Well we all went for Ethiopian food on Thursday. Someone had a digital camera and took a picture so I thought I would post it up here for everyone. Here's part of the team I work with at Avnet:

From left to right it is:
Me, Tony (he's the British one - Londoner), Justin (fresh from Georgia), Tracy (she's 8 months pregnant [a girl]), Cindy, and Eric.

Anyways, the food was really really good, as usual. The thin flat pancake like bread (called injera) that your food comes on (and that you eat it with) has to be some of the best stuff. For some interesting information on it, click here! The resturant we went to is called the Blue Nile Cafe. Here's its location from Google Maps. (Click here. NOTE: The website Google gives for it is not correct - everything else appears to be)

There isn't too much else to report. I got my first statement from Mazda Finance on my new car, so now I can proceed with getting it refinanced. I also received my new plates, I just haven't had time to put them on.

I'm going to a Phoenix Suns game tomorrow so that should be fun. I'll upload some pictures to here while I'm at the game. :-D

L8r --

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Well this day went by pretty fast...

You know, there is a pretty strange phenomenon that I encountered today. It seems if you sleep in... and I mean really sleep in... the day goes by very quickly.

You see, I had this brilliant idea that I would let myself rest - sleep in - today. So, in order to do this, I shut off all the sounds on my phone. No ringers, alarms, text messages, e-mail notifications, meeting schedulings, task reminders, or the rest of all that "informative" stuff which plagues my phone.

Turns out, not so hot an idea. I woke up (feeling extraordinarily refreshed, mind you) thinking:

"Wow, it must be late. Not sure why I think that, it just feels late. I bet I slept in all the way till 11!"

So I grabbed my phone to check the time, and low and behold... the battery was dead.

"How odd, it normally lasts longer than that. Especially since it wasn't sounding off notifications every 3 minutes."

I proceeded to plug it in, and wait for it to boot up (after all, it is Windows - even if its for mobile devices). You'll never imagine my surprise when it promptly notified me that it was 3:40 P.M.


But, in my defense... I was... um... extraordinarily... er... refreshed?

So the moral of that story is:

"Never trust your body to wake you up when it's rested! Because you'll never believe the ridiculous amount of rest your body thinks it needs."

Anyways, I'm now running behind schedule again (after all - I did have a to-do list for today) and ready to start the week in my typical form of "A day late and a dollar short'. (Of course with inflation that's actually pushing a good $10...)

Regardless, here's a good vid from JibJab for ya'll.

2006 in Review
